(Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)

 From September 2014 schools are required to produce a 'School Offer' explaining to parents and carers the facilities and services available to support children with special educational needs and / or disabilities.

The Local Offer will enable parents and carers to see more clearly the range of provision available and give greater choice and control over the support children and young people will receive. It places the parent and child at the centre of the process. For more information about the Local Offer please visit:


At Ferryhill School we strive to ensure full entitlement and access for SEND pupils to high quality education within a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum (including access to the National Curriculum) so that they can reach their full potential and enhance their self-esteem.

Meeting individual needs

The College's core curriculum is inclusive and differentiated and thereby allows most pupils to achieve their potential without additional support, i.e. the curriculum is based on the principles of:

*setting suitable learning challenges;

*responding to pupils' diverse learning needs;

*overcoming potential barriers to learning.

However, there are sometimes circumstances in which some additional/different action is needed, if pupils with special educational needs are to make adequate progress. FBEC is committed to identifying and assessing pupils with SEND as early as is possible and necessary. This ensures that each child is provided with the appropriate support and can access one of our many interventions, which, are based on the following four areas of need:

*Communication and interaction

*Cognition and learning

*Social, mental and emotional health

*Senory and/or Physical.

The progress of the children who participate in these interventions are regularly monitored by the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) to ensure maximum impact.

Our SEND Policy


Ferryhil School is an inclusive school and works closely with outside agencies to ensure we are able to provide the correct support for each individual need.

Durham County Council school admissions

Please click here for more information on Durham County Council school admissions.

Equal Opportunities


Ferryhill School has high ambitions for its students with disabilities and we will aim to provide the correct environment for them to participate and achieve in every aspect of school life

Staff Expertise

The Learning Support Department at Ferryhill School consists of the SENCO and two Learning Support Assistants. We are also fortunate to have a specialist English Support Assistant and a Numeracy Support Assistant. The school also has a Learning Support Centre which provides an inclusive learning environment when a child may need support away from the classroom. We have expertise in the following areas:

*Additional Literacy Support Programme

*Numeracy Support Programme

*Handwriting Support - Speed Up! Programme

*Social, Emotional and Behavioural Support Programmes

*Transition Support Programme - Leap Group!

Ferryhill Business and Enterprise College has a strong pastoral team which is overseen by Mr T Pinkney, Deputy Head Teacher. If you would like further information about SEND at FBEC please contact the school on 01740 651554 and ask to speak to one of the following members of staff:

Mr K Brennan - Head Teacher

Mr T Pinkney - Deputy Head Teacher

Mrs G Bowden - Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator.

Compliments and Complaints

Here at Ferryhill School we are constantly striving to improve our provision.

Please tell us what we are doing right and with regards to complaints, please contact the school office.